We have a wildcard certificate (*.foo.com) for our primary domain. Since we have a metric crapton of servers it saves us loads of money.
The exact minutiae of getting Outlook Anywhere working will be another post. Suffice it to say that A.) It has a showstopper IPV4/IPV6 bug out-of-the-box and B.) Wildcard certificates do not work with Outlook Anywhere.
Happy to have that particular learning experience behind me and $15 later we had a GoDaddy certificate for newmail.foo.com. Yeah!
Now that was working it's time to setup the Autodiscover service. I set a SRV record for autodiscover to point to newmail.foo.com, but the users were getting a pop-up asking for permission to connect to it. I am an anti-popup person. So I setup autodiscover.foo.com in DNS to point to the OWA webserver. Did it work?
Another SSL problem with the certificate names. "autodiscover.foo.com" != "newmail.foo.com"
The Microsoft solution is to use a certificate with multiple "Subject Alternative Names", also known as a Unified Communications Certificate. They cost about $300. Personally I don't like spending that for a certificate. That's why we got a WILDCARD certificate you asshats!
After a healthy dose of expletives, I set out to move the autodiscover "application" to a separate website using our existing wildcard certificate.
Here is the part where that "doing it the hard way" feeling comes in. I couldn't find any commands or options to setup the /Autodiscover application under the new website.
After about 10 minutes of trying to figure out how to copy the settings over, I ...
- Set another IP for the new site.
- Popped a hole in Mr. Firewall for http and https.
- Opened IIS.
- Created the new site.
- Edited the bindings to use the right ssl certificate.
Stopped IIS.Opened c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\config\applicationhost.cfg in notepad.Copied <sites><Application Path> information from the default site to the autodiscover site.See update note below.Copied the <locations> information from the default site to the autodiscover site.- Whispered a prayer of penance to the IT gods.
- Started IIS.
Update 2009-03-17: I WAS doing it the hard way! There is a powershell command to create a new autodiscover virtual directory. It is new-autodiscovervirtualdirectory.
And wow, It worked! Was I ever surprised?!